We have 2 registered provisions:
Breakfast and After School Club at Cranbourne in Hoddesdon
Holiday Club at The Scout Hut @ Barclay School Stevenage.
All of the clubs are run in a very similar way for individual details please click the tabs at the top of the screen.
Staff work to a ratio of 1:8 for under 8’s. This ratio is a requirement made by Ofsted. As the children leave throughout the evening staffing levels are reduced but will still meet the required ratio. All staff hold current DBS check and current first aid certificates. Ongoing training in relevant subjects is available to all staff and they are encouraged to attend.
Insurance and accidents
The club is Ofsted registered and holds a full insurance certificate. All staff are trained in first aid which is renewed regularly. There is a fully equipped first aid box kept on site. If a child has an accident, a member of staff will be responsible for recording the information into the accident book, which in turn must be signed by the parent to acknowledge the fact first aid has been given.
By signing your child’s admission form you consent to your child receiving any emergency medical treatment in your absence, you authorise the staff to sign any form of consent required by medical staff, if a delay in getting your signature could endanger your child’s health and safety.
Getting there
Cranbourne children will be collected by staff in the main school and then walked over.
Arrival and departure
Upon arrival at the club the walker or parent registers each child with the supervisor and reports any accidents or incidents that may have occurred on the way down.
Hoddesdon Club
Parents collecting their children should park in the spaces along the main road. The green pedestrian gate will be open. Parents can then walk round to the very first building as you come in the gate.
Holiday Club
Parents collecting their children can drive through The Barclay School gate in Walkern Road and follow the driveway, past the main school building on the right, around to the Scout Hut building where there is a car park.
Upon arrival at the club children are given a snack and a drink, snacks are usually toast, sandwiches, crackers etc accompanied with fruit. It is important to note that refreshments are cleared away as soon as possible; however drinks are available throughout the session. If your site offers Holiday club children are asked to bring a packed lunch and sufficient refreshments to cover their session.
Daily activities are supervised and include; indoor and outdoor games, floor play, art and crafts, TV, video, quiet area is provided for resting or homework. Some activities may be messy if you are concerned about your child’s school uniform you may supply your child with a change of clothes. These need to be taken to and from the club each day.
To book a place please register with Magic Booking You can create an account for your child with all of there emergency contact detail. Once your account is created you will be able to book Breakfast, After school or Holiday club sessions.
You can book upto 2 hours before the session starts. Once the session is booked you are committed to paying for it unless you cancel giving us 4 weeks notice.
You can book regular days every week or just odd days here and there.
Once you have booked your sessions you can select to pay either by childcare vouchers or card instalments.
We accept all types of childcare vouchers.
We encourage you to look into claiming working tax credits to help pay for your childcare.
Parents are required to notify the club if there child is absent that day. Fees are still payable. Absences should be notified to the club direct.
If your child falls sick at the club you will be contacted immediately and asked to come and collect them as soon as possible. The club will not take children who are sick or infectious. You are required to allow 24 hours after the end of the illness before your child can return to the club. Any medication will not be administered without written consent from the parent. Medication that is administered to a child will be recorded and the parents required to sign to acknowledge the entry. The club and its staff reserve the right to refuse to administer medication if we do not have the technical or medical knowledge. If your child requires an ambulance, every effort will be made to contact you, if you are unable to accompany your child to hospital the club may have to hand the care of your child over to the NHS, as it may not always be possible for a member of staff to accompany your child to the hospital.
Behaviour management policy
We hope your child has a good time whilst at the club but we do expect them to be responsible and courteous to each other and the staff. They are also expected to follow any instructions they are given, if after continual reminding, the child is still showing signs of unacceptable behaviour , they will be removed from the situation and placed else where in the club. The club will not tolerate bullying of any kind. If there is a persistent problem the supervisor will talk to the parent about their child and the incident will be recorded in the incident book, where the parent will be given an opportunity to comment on and to sign. After three incidents in the book the supervisor and any staff involved will meet with the child and parent to discuss the way forward to resolve the situation satisfactorily for all.
Safe guarding
Any concerns regarding the children attending the club should be reported to the supervisor and any action will follow spring meadows safe guarding policy. Please ask if you require a full copy of the safe guarding policy.
Equal opportunities
Spring meadow welcomes everyone, regardless of gender, cultural background, special needs or disability. We honour and respect everyone.
Fire drills
Firedrills are carried out in accordance with the requirements set by Ofsted and are held half termly.
No smoking
The club operates a no smoking policy inside and in the grounds of Barclay and Cranbourne School.
Please provide your child with a sun hat, sun cream and suitable clothing during hot weather. Children should also have wellington boots and a waterproof coat during wet weather. Please make sure all clothing is named.
Staff cannot accept the responsibility for children’s possessions or valuable whilst in the care of the club. It is strongly advised that children do not bring valuable, toys that they are not prepared to share with others, or trading game cards to the club. The club has a lost property box which is emptied at the end of each half term.
Staff will take photos of the children while they are at Spring meadows, these photos are used in advertising and for club records. Please ensure you indicate on the child’s information form if you do not want your child photographed.
The school
John Warner and The Barclay School have generously provided us with the use of the building within its grounds. Children and their parents are asked to respect school property whilst on the premises and not wander around the school grounds. Children and their parents have access to the building occupied by the club and the car park only.
Complaints procedure
Day to day problems can be sorted out with the club supervisor, however if a more serious complaint arises concerning staff or club procedures. Please contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 stating our registration number.
Please visit our policies page on our website or ask a member of staff to see a copy.